Thursday, May 19, 2011

Small Success

It's Thursday, a day for raking my brain to come up with something I've done this week.  I mean, celebrating the accomplishments of the week.  I feel like that's a real toughie right now.  Our schedule has gone (back to) wacky and it has been a stressful week trying to get things done.  But here goes...

*I already posted about it but I did finish a book and blocking my shawl this week. 

*The Boy has had no daytime potty accidents in at least the last week.  That should count as pretty major. 
Sadly, after his nap we discovered he had pooped in his undies.  And of course he let me know this after stripping off his undies and dumping them on the bathroom floor.  :(  And I'm not counting Littler Boy "helping" and trying to empty the tiny potty only to empty it onto the bathroom floor - that's a different kind of accident and a different child, right?  But the bathroom floor has been mopped twice this week, does that count for anything?

*Littler Boy is currently napping in his high chair, a pretty impressive sight given how hard naps are to come by these days. 

Join in at Chocolate for Your Brain with your successes :)


Sarah said...

Potty training is so yucky! I hate it! I've started with Raphael, but I think I'm going to wait. Right now we're working on nighttime with Jacob. Hang in there!

JJ's Mom said...

*sigh* Celebrate the little successes with the potty! We're making a very loose attempt at potty training right now with my oldest, but are planning two lengthy road trips in the next few weeks so I'm afraid to push too hard right now (for fear of having to stop 9000 times on our trips.... Good work mama!

Kansas Mom said...

We just keep telling ourselves they won't go to college in diapers. They won't go to college in diapers. They won't go...Well, you know. If only our floors could stay cleaner in the process! Second Daughter failed to train so horribly we've given up and gone back to diapers this week. Funny how I didn't mention that in my Small Successes post...

Sherry said...

Potty training at all, is something to celebrate. Mine have been epically stubborn.