Monday, September 19, 2011


I'm not stressing about finishing.  I'm not rushing.  I'm not thinking ahead to the next project (too much.)  But I am making some happy progress on the quilt I'm working on.  I should be able to finish it in time for the wedding.  I've even started on the second quilt for an October wedding.  And that would be the bit about not too much thinking about the next project.  :) 

My goal was to finishing the quilting and the machine sewing of the binding for the first today - DH had the boys out for the morning since the sewing machine and I needed to take over the dining room table.  And I would have finished too except... I ran out of masking tape.  It's true!  I was using it for marking and ran out.  And to further frustrate me DH found no masking tape at WalMart.  He tried, he really did.  He knows how frustrated I've been not being able to get this done.  So he brought home what he found - HeatnBond Ultra.  Ummm, not the same.  And no, I wont be using it to mark the quilt.  But thank you for trying.  :) 

So since I had the time and the space I pulled out the fabric for the next quilt and finished half the blocks for it.  I so love precut fabric.  And a nice, simple pattern.  And quiet time with no one trying to push the buttons or use the scissors or tip over the ironing board.  :) 

Tomorrow I'll take Littler out while Bigger is at preschool and get what I need.  And maybe next weekend I'll really finish quilting.  Maybe I can be so optimistic as to hope to quilt both next weekend.  And once they are in the hands of their very own newlyweds I'll post pictures, I promise. 

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