Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday Musings

Right now... we have been up too long.  Bigger joined me in bed around 4, followed by Littler around 4:45.  It wouldn't be so bad if Littler came to snuggle and sleep like his brother.  But he prefers to annoy the pants off me by putting his hand up my shirt and rubbing my tummy.  Makes me freaking crazy, tired, and really gets my day off to a very poor start.  And the boys are wild.  Too many days trapped in a small apartment will do that to them, I don't blame them. 

This weekend... was only technically a weekend.  The WeatherMan worked and it has been wicked cold so we played with playdoh, read stories, knit, watched Cars 2 and hockey, and generally ran around and around and around through the apartment.  I am really glad that apartments are designed with the kitchen and living room making a big circle - just have to keep the path clear and you have your own indoor preschool track. 

Yesterday Littler also kept his diaper dry all day.  I'm not entirely convinced he's really ready for this since he did poop in it and not say anything (after pooping in undies the day before, hence keeping his diaper dry and not undies dry.)  But I figured if we're trapped at home thanks to the cold we might as well give it a shot. 

Some plans for this week... Nothing much.  Hopefully getting out of the house at some point.  I think I have a duty day at preschool.  I'd really like to finish up some projects in progress but somehow that always ends up at the bottom of the list.  I'd also like to see a couple bags of stuff off the the thrift shop but again doesn't always get done as soon as I might like.  And of course we're nearly out of fruit so there will need to be some grocery shopping done at some point too.

If I find some time for myself... I will finish the blocks for the quilt top and sew the top.  I will read and knit.  I will sit on my bum eating ice cream and watching Harry Potter.  A girl can dream, can't she?  :)

I am grateful for... abundant heat (it's 79* inside with two windows open and the humidifier running.)  Chocolate chip cookies.  Sleeping (mostly) through the night (even if we wake up far to early for even my "morning person" preferences.)  Blogging. 

Some prayer intentions for this week... for patience and slowing down.  For moving home. 

Something that makes me smile... Sadly we haven't gotten to Mass since Christmas :-/ But watching on TV yesterday Littler heard "redemption" and told us "dump truck, he say dump truck." Nothing like making things fit into your own two year old world view :)

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