Monday, March 12, 2012

Entirely Mundane

It was a wonderful Monday - absolutely mundane.  The boys stayed in their own beds all night.  Nothing special about breakfast.  Or grocery shopping.  There was some begging for juice and grapes, both of which were indulged.  Lunch was hot dogs, grapes, and apple juice.  We only watched one DVD for rest time and no fits were pitched (often the boys each get to make a pick because fair is fair, don't ya know.) 

They spent a lot of the afternoon playing picnic.  There was some coloring done.  Most of it seemed to be on Littler's tummy and limbs.  There was a snack of fishy crackers and apple sauce requested.  Littler eat lots of crackers and smeared lots of apple sauce all over himself.  Which did very interesting things to all that marker ink.  He thoroughly enjoyed getting water dumped on him to rinse it all off in the tub though. 

While Littler made his messes I was making apple crisp.  (There are things I really love about grocery day, like yummy treats.)  I attempted peeling the apples in one long peel.  I think I pulled it off on one of them.  I washed some dishes too.  But not all of them.  And then I made the crisp so there were even more dishes again.  A day doesn't go by that I don't dream of a dishwasher. 
I've been reading and knitting.  I'm sitting at the computer now, reading and writing.  If the boys ever crash I'll make some pop corn and enjoy a Dr Pepper.  While the WeatherMan was putting the boys to bed (not that they have stayed there but that's another story) a neighbor stopped by with cookies for the boys.  She and her daughter had been baking and made a couple special for them.  How sweet is that? 

It was nothing much of a day.  There were some fights, plenty of not doing what they were told.  They're still not in bed an hour after bedtime started.  But such is life.  They also 'nuggled and played, helped and had a bath.  An ordinary, run-of-the-mill day with little ones.  And it was good. 


karen said...

I hope one day you get a dishwasher too! Love your day, and I bet the apple crisp was delicious :)

Sofia's Ideas said...

Oh man, now you have me craving apple crisp and cookies! lol!
I love how you ended this post "And it was good." Its a great reminder to all of us that run-of-the-mill is fulfilling if we allow it to be. And you certainly did that here...
Thank you for this great contribution! :)

Unknown said...

Sometimes these "mundane" days and moments are exactly what we need in life. They give a sense of balance and stability (that in itself can be delightful if you have a busy life).

Thanks for sharing!