I am pleased to report that I picked up and knit 216 stitches this week. Now on to the lace!
I've also made a bit more progress in my books (the main 3 I've got going at the moment anyway.) The Union Quilters is a nice, light read. I really enjoy historical fiction and seem to be into Civil War era lately. Mother Teresa - Come Be My Light is so interesting, to read her own words and how deep her faith was is amazing. As for You Are Your Child's First Teacher I'm really hoping I'll be able to renew it again. But I'm loving it - who doesn't love reading something that agrees with what they think? :) It is giving me lots to think about.
And so for this week that's all there is, there isn't any more. Off to link up and check out what else is happening at small things. :) I love Wednesdays!
Hooray for 216 stitches! Just one stitch at a time is all it takes and before you know it you'll be finished.
Love your list of books, I have been wanting to read Mother Teresa-Come Be My Light and really need to pick up a copy.
I love mother Theresa I have a prayer card of hers tucked into my to do notebook and I love reading her prayer. She is very inspirational. Yay to knitting!!!!
Way to go!
perserverance.....216 is a great start!!! way to go!!!
Woo hoo! You go, Kate!
your book list sounds really good. and 216! right on. :)
What an inspiring book list. Good luck with your lace!
Good job on your 216 stitches! I met the author of Union Quilters at a signing and have a signed copy of that book. I'm embarrassed to say I haven't read it yet! I like her writing a lot, but for some reason it's just not one that's come off my shelf since I got it :)
Awesome, way to go Kate!!!!
Long starts are such a drag, but with that behind you, everything will go faster now. The Union Quilters sounds interesting, I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the recommendation.
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